The Paws of Roving Riders

"In the beginning" there were 3:  Puff (originally named by the boys "Shy Puff") we got in 1997. Bandit, an Aussie/Border Collie mix we got in August of 2000. Rusty we got from the McKinley County Humane Society in 2002, when she was about 6 months old.
Puff, North Rim Grand Canyon

We lost Bandit in October, 2010. She went outside for her walk and collapsed on the patio.

Puff died May 2011, after giving us 15 years of her love.

Rusty contracted mast cell cancer, and we lost her November 2011.
Bandit and Puff were fast friends!
Bandit as a puppy, 2000. She LOVED soccer!
Bandit as a puppy, 2000. She also loved her toys!

Bandit loved sticks! We had a pile in our front yard as she always brought back a stick from her walk!

Bandit and her sticks!

Rusty was a Gentle Soul! She loved going with us, especially in the jeep! 
Bandit destroying a toy!
Bandit and Puff in the FRED.

Puff "driving" FRED...!

Bandit and Puff on Lindy's bed in Gallup.

Our Current Paws:

We adopted Rupert December 2010. We KNOW that at that Rainbow Bridge Bandit talked with Rupert, for he loves his toys, and LOVES soccer!

Bitty came to us initially as a foster dog--just over the holidays December 2011 into January 2012...we are foster failures! After looking into those eyes for two weeks...we were "melted!"
Sadly, May 13, 2014, Bitty took that trip to the Rainbow Bridge. At first, we felt cheated--we wanted MORE of her love! But after reading this,

we do feel blessed! And we have Rupert, as a dear friend said:  

I'm glad you have Rupert to help lift your spirits and provide some comic relief among the grief.

And NOW--we have Maddie!  Adopted, October 27, 2016!

We call her the Pillow Princess!

Very "busy" in the yard at North Ranch

Getting along well with Rupert!

Rupert playing ball in his wheels at a dog park in Phoenix, early 2020. He has  degenerative myelopathy.
At North Ranch, on his "evening stroll"

August 10, 2020   We said "Goodbye" to Rupert. Do you suppose there is a reunion at that "Rainbow Bridge"?!


  1. You have been busy on your blog, great feature, wish we had met Bandit.

    1. You "kinda" met her through Rupert--for his personality is similar to Bandit's. He just can't handle sticks like she could!

  2. Bandy Rusty & Puff: it was good to see them as they were: anybody who thinks dogs & cats don't have souls are WRONG, 'cause they do, they do, they do!


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