Good Sam Rally at PIR

We drove down to Destiny one last time to attend the Good Sam Rally at PIR (Phoenix International Raceway). We had Passport tickets....rig parked off site and driving each day, but with complete access to all events. We lasted two days, but man, did we get a lot for those two days! Items needed from Exhibits (plus a few not on our list!), and attending two sessions:  one on Air Brakes (very good!) and one on ChiWalking--terrific!  The fellow doing the air brake session was from  Excellent information that we will continue to explore.

ChiWalking, with Lisa Pozzoni, the only certified instruction in the state of Arizona was also very good, and timely! Lindy has been struggling with walking--aches and pains and groans....(due to old age!!!) and so far, the benefits in just 7 days have been remarkable! Lindy is committed to RVing for at least 15 more years...and with this new information regarding this style of walking and fitness, achieving her goal IS a reality!

We purchased a couple of signs, one for our lot which says it all,

and one for our new coach, replacing our Paws and Friends, Travels with FRED that we had on our Allegro Bay, our FRont End Diesel coach, hence FRED, joining our other two signs on our ladder, Family Motor Coach Association, and Good Sam Life Member. It is SWIRVIN On Down the Road, with mountains and Saguaro...our favorite things....!

So, we shall "see" you, as we are SWIRVIN (Swain and Irvin) on down the road, as tomorrow we depart North Ranch heading east!  San Antonio, Statesville, Charlotesville, Saco (Dayton!) Maine, here we come!


Paws and Friends


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