Charleston Tea Plantation and Angel Tree

Thursday, May 17, we drove out to the Charleston Tea Plantation, home of American Classic Tea, billed as America's Tea Garden. What a treat! The Plantation is on picturesque Wadmalaw Island, which happens to be close to James Island where we were camped, about 17 miles from our park. It was a nice drive, one the dogs enjoyed!
The sign indicates how far it is to the nearest tea plantation...well over 2,000 miles for each listed! We discovered that tea grows on bushes! The grounds include 127 acres, Camellia Sinensis tea plants, a working Tea Factory, and a Plantation Gift Shop! There was a trolley tour of the grounds which we did not take because of the dogs, but we did walk around some, and thoroughly enjoyed it!

While visited the Plantation we met a couple who shared information with us about an oak tree over 400 years old located about 9 miles back toward James Island.
We found this gem on our return to the campground! What stories might this old oak tree tell? All in all, a very special day! 

Our site at James Island County Park--very nice, even with the rain! Our site had good drainage--others in the park not so lucky!
