Where oh Where to Get a Good Haircut

Those of you who live the RV lifestyle have probably experienced needing a hair cut and wondering where to go in a strange town. Ask fellow campers, RV campground employees, or local merchants you'll probably get a dozen different recommendations. We want to share with your our haircut experience on Friday May 20th, it wasn't even Friday the 13th!!!            

We are currently in Lincoln City, Oregon on the coast. Having been here a number of times we had our haircuts at a local salon. We were very happy with the previous results, so stopped by to make an appointment. The stylist could fit us in at 5:00 that evening.

When we appeared at the appointed time, we were informed that she was a little behind schedule, could we give her a "schmidge" more time. We dutifully asked how much a schmidge was, and were directed to return in an hour. No problem, so we went back to the rig and grabbed a bite to eat.

We returned at the new time only to find her still working on the previous customer. Finally about 20  minutes later she was ready to begin our haircuts. And this is when way out of whack Friday really  began.

Imagine being held captive by a very nice person who proceeds to tell you all the trials and tribulations of her life. Not really a problem except she talks with her hands and couldn't cut hair and talk at the same time (which was probably a good thing as neither of us suffered cut ears or lost hunks of hair)! The open back door might have provided an escape route except it was guarded by a feral cat she had adopted. (Actually a sweetie who liked his/her ears scratched.)

To make a long story short, we left the shop THREE AND ONE HALF HOURS later (Mike missed the Lucy with John Wayne special, which to a die hard Duke fan was above and beyond the call of duty) we walked out of the shop with GREAT haircuts. Freaky Friday, while seemingly interminable, turned out to be a memorable experience. We also thought it could be the plot of a novel!!

Roving Riders (Currently on the look out for whales.)


  1. Finding a good haircut place on the road is one of the bigger challenges.


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