Catching Up Part II--January 2014 Happenings for the Roving Riders!

Our good friends, and blog mentor, Bob and Jo, of How to Love Where You Are and Eat Where the Locals Eat!! drove up Monday, January 13 for a GRAND visit! (Don't you love their blog title? Loving where you are is key to the full-timing experience! If you don't, love where you are that is, you can always move on!) We sat in our "Arizona Room" and chatted--mostly about places to visit!!!  We picked their brains regarding their trip last summer, where did they stay, what is the name of the RV Park, etc., and they picked our brains for information on Northern California, Oregon and Washington. We only scratched the surface of possibilities! Planning travel is just as much fun as actually carrying out that travel! And, what is planned rarely plays out exactly as planned--another plus of full-timing--being flexible! They were also an excellent source on upgrading our wifi (from 5 GB to 20GB) for a very good price! And we have 4G! No more excuses now!!

Time flew by quickly. We realized it was past time for lunch so we offered them a ride to Nichols West, the local (ONLY!) restaurant in the Blue Buggy. They agreed! It took about 25 minutes through the desert landscape along the railroad tracks to the restaurant. We had a delicious lunch, then the return trip back to North Ranch. It was a clear, sunny day, but a tad chilly, especially moving in the open. This coolness has been almost a standard here--sunshine is warm, but any wind cools it down quickly! We did NOT need any shade for our Arizona Room this day--we welcomed the sunshine!

The day came to an end all too quickly! Bob and Jo departed, promising to come again! We will have more
to share with them in the Blue Buggy, for we found a crested Saguaro along the road to Stanton! That would be a short ride for them! To the right is the crested Saguaro. See the "crown" at the top, and notice how the spines twist around towards the top.

There are more crested Saguaros, (see March 24, 2013) just across the Stanton road from this one we discovered.

We have more catching up to do, so stay tuned!

Until then!
Roving Riders


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